Dear Lakeland Animal Shelter Supporter,
Happy Holidays to you and yours from all of us at Lakeland Animal Shelter. To us, 2018 seems to have flown by as we’ve been busily caring for a record number of more than 3,500 homeless animals AND adding 10,000 square feet to our new facility to get everyone under one roof again.
With your help, what seemed liked a far off dream just a few years ago is now a reality! We are not only utilizing the full new facility for animal care but are just a few days and dollars away from closing the old facility for good and moving the last animals to the new building. All of this has been made possible by support such as yours. Now, more than ever, we ask you to continue your support of these animals and the work being done at Lakeland Animal Shelter.
You might think that with the full new facility we wouldn’t need to do things like house dogs or cats in office spaces, but on occasion we still do just that. I would like to tell you about a little blended family of cats and dogs that recently shared our office space and benefited from your support.